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Assurance-Invalidité of Canton Vaud awarded "La Vie En Rose" as the Best Project presented

Congratulations to all the participants of the contest, specially to the winning team:

"La Vie en Rose", une reflexion sur les handicaps et la réinsertion professionnel.

Project conceived and managed by :

Andrèa Guérot & Jordi Terés

Participating students :

Thérèse Andreu

Xana Asma

Doris Aiyssi Ndi

Michelle Betancur

Laurène Dupuis

Jasmine Grunder

Lucien Metzner

Marie Lavasseur

Delphine Pillet

Pierrine Pfister

Tania Rodrigues

Victoria Salgado

Laura Townsend

Di Wu

To draw attention to the challenges experienced by individuals who are in the process of re-entering professional life, Assurance-Invalidite (AI) Canton Vaud, launched a photography competition, 'Une nouvelle reinsertionprofessionnelle`.

Opening the exhibition on the 16th November, they held a conference on Participative Management, which was headlined by Daniel Rossellat, Director of Paleo Festival.

After the presentation, Mr. Domonique Dorthe, (Director PR & Communications AI Vaud), along with the president of the competition jury, Mr. Claudio Chiarini (Director of Swiss Design Centre) announced the winning project of the competition - "La Vie en Rose".

The decision of the jury was based not only in the quality of the images presented, but also took into account the concept of the atelier where the images where shot, and the works produced by the students as a result of the experience, (which where also displayed as part of the exhibition).

Check out for our next post which will highlight the winning images and concepts : "La Vie en Rose", une reflexion sur les handicaps et la réinsertion professionnel.

Mr. Claudio Chiarini (president of the jury), Andréa Guérot & Jordi Terés (La Vie en Rose), Mr Robert, Mme Testini (Director of Canvas Ecole) and Mr. Dominique Dorthe announcing the winner.

Mme Guérot and Thérèse at the exhibition

Mr Terés showing part of the exhibition

Some of the photos of the project "Métamorphose"

Mme Testini

Our students at the after party (Julien and Remy)

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